Can I assume you’d like some authority to back up your next application for fees?
The US Consumer Law Attorney Fee Survey Report , published for 20 years by Ron Burdge provides just that authority. It’s free and far ranging.
So, do your part by taking the survey online to get current information on fees in multiple areas of consumer law.
The more people that participate, the more accurate and useful the data becomes, so please feel free to share this with your local listservs and Google groups.
Previous reports have been used in Courts nationwide to award more than thirty million dollars in attorney fees to consumer advocates, including consumer bankruptcy attorneys. State and Federal Courts routinely rely on this report in awarding hourly fees in consumer cases. (If they aren’t using this report in your cases, you should be using it as evidence!) It is one of the primary resources that has been used to increase presumptive fees set by bankruptcy courts in Chapter 13 cases and also invaluable for attorneys in setting their fees for Chapter 7 cases.
The survey does not obtain any personal information and there is no charge to participate and no charge for obtaining the published survey results.
You can request a copy of the most recent report, again, for free.