Not a bad place for a weekend, eh?
The NACBA convention was great. The two buildings on the left housed the convention.
But I’m back in the real world, at home, in the realm of real people with real problems.
Kudos to Tara Twomey who had a large hand in selecting the content of the weekend. She seemed to be everywhere, talking about NCBRC or the amicus project, or just taking the pulse of the convention.
She also ran two of my personal favorite sessions, the roundtable discussions among attendess on mortgage issues and on bankruptcy litigation on a budget.
Those of us in the litigation session agreed to create a google group to continue the conversation on how to succeed in litigation without a gob of money.
Stay violations
Jim Haller headed up my other favorite session on making money on stay violations. Jim’s trial notebook on prepping a stay violation case for trial is getting incorporated into my forms this week.
If I took my own advice, the balance of the week would be open to absorb what I learned and integrate it into my practice. But this making-a-living business intrudes, and I’m back to solving bankruptcy problems and spiffing up the new Bankruptcy in Brief.
Good to see you
Thanks to everyone who shook my hand and said they read and enjoyed Bankruptcy Mastery. You can’t imagine how gratifying your input is. I write in solitude and just hope someone out there is reading.
Several people asked whether I planned anymore stand alone programs on the business of being a bankruptcy lawyer. Stay tuned, because there’s a weekend program aborning. More later.
Back to work.
Image courtesy of Flickr and breilly.