Every contrivance of man, every tool, every instrument, every utensil, every article designed for use, of each and every kind, evolved from a very simple beginning. – Robert Collier
We have all evolved from a simple beginning – our law degrees. Those simple pieces of parchment enable us to sit for the bar, gain admission to practice law and, ultimately, take our place among those who help others navigate the complexities of our legal system.
I’ve always believed that our primary goal as attorneys must be to do better for our clients and, in so doing, for ourselves. Personally and professionally, we continue to grow.
Today, I am please to announce the evolution of Bankruptcy Mastery.
This blog is now, and will continue to be, an information portal designed to help those new to the field of consumer bankruptcy an opportunity to increase the scope of their knowledge. This raises the bar, so to speak.
However, there is more comprehensive study to be done. There is more to be learned.
Education must continue so that we may evolve.
Bankruptcy Mastery – The Fundamentals Of Consumer Bankruptcy Practice is now open for new students. Be sure to check it out here and claim your seat before the price goes up.
I’ll see you there. And, as always, here.