Bankruptcy terminology, so familiar to lawyers, stymies clients. Even common English words seem to flumox our clients. We are a pair, divided by our common language. Even without legal jargon, we talk past each other. Words at war How do we misunderstand each other? Let me count the ways: If you’ve seen more than three […]
Hearsay Exception: How Do I Get This Into Evidence?
Quick: tell me everything you know about Federal Rule of Evidence 803(17)! If you’re like me, there’s deafening silence. I’ve apparently skated through forty years of bankruptcy practice without really considering how Kelly Blue Book figures get into evidence. If it worked, I just went on. (Hint: it’s FRE 803(17). But a change in California […]
Your Help Needed With Consumer Attorney Fee Survey
Can I assume you’d like some authority to back up your next application for fees? The US Consumer Law Attorney Fee Survey Report , published for 20 years by Ron Burdge provides just that authority. It’s free and far ranging. So, do your part by taking the survey online to get current information on fees in multiple […]
Delinquent Utilities and Disconnection Under New Bankruptcy Provision
Bankruptcy debtors with delinquent utility bills got a measure of protection from interruption in their service under an amendment to the Bankruptcy Code in the omnibus spending bill enacted December 27,2020. Individual debtors cannot have their utilities disconnected as long as they make some payment for service provided after filing promptly after the commencement of […]
Cars & Bankruptcy: What You Must Know To Get It Right
It’s time for a summary and refresher on dealing with car loans in bankruptcy. Somehow, my staff hit a wall this week on what information we needed about cars and car loans. Then, we stumbled on what to do with that information. So, here’s my roadmap to cars in bankruptcy. Fasten your seat belt: here we […]
Projecting Means Test Tax Expense When Things Change
Bankruptcy means test tax projections get more complicated when the year of filing situation looks much different than the last year. If the financial situation is essentially unchanged and all you have to do is adjust for a tax refund or a tax liability, it’s little more than dividing the refund or tax due by […]
Taxing Questions in Bankruptcy’s New Subchapter V
With the enactment of the Small Business Reorganization Act, Chapter 11 is expected to become more accessible and economic for business debtors with debts below the limits. For bankruptcy lawyers taking their first venture into Chapter 11, knowledge of the tax issues in reorganizations becomes critical. So, I’m happy to have attorney Steven Walker of […]