The no-look fee is no good in many bankruptcy cases. It harms debtors, their lawyers, and the system as a whole. It fails to compensate the lawyer for critical work, causing a disincentive to providing proper representation. We give up a lot when we settle for being paid just the no-look fee. How we got […]
How To Brush Off The Means Test
There’s a way around the means test. And it’s right there in the Code. Yet we forget. The ***x!!XXX thing only applies to debtors whose debts are primarily consumer. Consumer debt is defined: 8) The term “consumer debt” means debt incurred by an individual primarily for a personal, family, or household purpose. I had to […]
Dig Deep In Your First Meeting With A Prospective Client
The success of a bankruptcy case is frequently determined at the first meeting between client and lawyer. The information that is exchanged and the confidence that is built at that encounter shapes the client’s expectations, the choice of chapter, the timing of the filing and much more. So I cringe when I hear stories about […]
4 Reasons To Keep Time Records No One Discusses
Mention keeping time records to a bankruptcy lawyer and you’re likely met with expressions of utter revulsion. I swear that all too many assert that the major appeal of being a bankruptcy lawyer is precisely that they don’t have to keep time. Between flat fee deals with clients, and no look fees in Chapter 13, […]
The Chasm Between Judges & Bankruptcy Attorneys Over Fees
Why is there such a gap between consumer attorneys and bankruptcy judges over attorneys fees? Sources tell that it sometimes feels like the bench believes that every dollar a debtor’s lawyer gets is of questionable legitimacy. Yet the same judges roll their eyes, at least figuratively, at the competence and preparation of those same lawyers. […]
Tax Changes & Projected Expenses
At the risk of borrowing trouble, I’m looking ahead to changes to the tax laws that may adversely impact pending Chapter 13 cases. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ( probably as appropriately named as the Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act) limits the deductibility of state and local taxes, including property taxes. A […]
Bankruptcy as Means to Keep the House
There’s nothing like a foreclosure to get homeowners to see a bankruptcy lawyer. They are often not sure just how bankruptcy will accomplish this, but they are resolute that keeping the house is the centerpiece of their bankruptcy. A capable lawyer can tell the client how that might be done through bankruptcy; a standout bankruptcy […]